Miles Fidell
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SCRIPTURE: Genesis 13:10-17; Psalm 32

FOLLOW-UP FROM LAST WEEK: How did your prayer rhythmfrom last week go? Did you find any times or places that werebest for you to connect with God? Are there any wins or ideasyou could share or particular challenges you can work outtogether?

ICEBREAKER: What’s the craziest dream you’ve ever had?

Q1 – Does your mind tend to live in the past, present, or thefuture? What dominates your thought life? What do theScriptures say about our experience of the past, present, andfuture?

Q2 – DISCUSS: The gap between the presence of God and ourexperience of it is ALWAYS our awareness of it.

Q3 – What pulls you away from time with God personally? Is ityour schedule? Aimlessness/lack of direction? Shame?

Q4 – Think about your life in the local church. Is God’s church primary to your life and schedule, or is it a small piece of your week and nothing else? Why is that? What steps can you takethis year to plant yourself more deeply in God’s house, whereHis presence and blessing rests.

Q5 – Where do you tend to think or assume God is, versus otherspaces where you think He isn’t? How are your views confirmedor challenged by what the Bible says? Are there any spaceswhere God clearly identifies His presence to you? How did thismessage illuminate his presence to you?

Q6 — DISCUSS: Allow God to help you dream again. Praytogether for a vision or dream of the next ten years of your life,your family, your work, that align with His promises and Hisdreams for the future. First priority is: are you going deeper intoabiding in the one who connected Heaven and earth? With all ofthat in mind, go around and answer this question: God willing, in 10 years I will see...

CHALLENGE: Self Examination and Solitude. Read Psalm 32.God cannot bless the person you’re pretending to be. Get alonewith God and get honest with God. He knows it all anyway.Confess, Pray, and worship with him; feel his heart for you, andmake active steps to make God your hiding place instead ofhiding from him.