Be the Church
Every Be the Church, we highlight several of our different ministry and mission partners. Take this opportunity as a launching place to get involved and make an impact where you feel particularly burdened.
Come and serve with your family, community group, or individually as you'd like! "Go and be the church" in a very real and practical way!
Serve Opportunities
Exceptional Foundation
MISSION: The Exceptional Foundation was established to serve individuals with special needs in the Greater Birmingham area by targeting social and recreational objectives not met by educational institutions or the community at large.

PROJECT: Join us as we partner with the Exceptional Foundation for their Chili Cook-off that will serve the families who participate in the Exceptional Foundation.

TIME: 10:00AM - 12:00PM

LOCATION: Brookwood Village

Kids 8+ are welcome to come along with volunteers.All volunteers aged 19+ who have not completed a background check through ACC will be prompted to complete one after signing up to serve.
MISSION: A4ONE was established to embody refuge and access for youth in Downtown Birmingham through Athletics and Fitness.

PROJECT: Join us as we get to partner with A4ONE to revitalize their spaces that serve Birmingham's youth through  athletics and fitness.

TIME: 10:00AM - 12:00PM

LOCATION: 222 Sixth Ave SW, Birmingham, AL 35211

This opportunity is available to high school and older. All volunteers aged 19+ who have not completed a background check through ACC will be prompted to complete one after signing up to serve.

POINT OF CONTACT: Jameson Keasler