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Be The Church (Birmingham)

November 9, 2024
9:00 am

The Lovelady Center ensures that each woman is taught how to overcome barriers to success by providing not only much needed services, but also life skills and spiritual guidance. We can give a woman shelter, food, and clothing, but if she cannot support herself and parent her children, the cycle of poverty and incarceration will not be broken.

There are a few opportunities to serve right now:
1. We will need some people at the Main Center location painting/restoring the space

2. Some people are needed at the Main Center location to serve lunch

3. We will also partner with Lovelady by working at thrift store locations

Join us as we serve this community in our city. We will send more details out to each team so you know all the details!

For more information contact Jameson Keasler at jkeasler@auburncommunitychurch.com
