We believe life-change happens in community.
What We Believe About Community
A sermon taken from our ACC IS... series back in January 2022 where our Lead Pastor, Miles Fidell, talks about our culture as a church.
Our Model For Community
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:42-47
These are the ways that we form our church body, through consistent rhythms of spending time together.
Grow Together

We meet around a table for a meal, discussing sermon questions, praying together, and challenging each other to practice the teachings of Jesus throughout the week. We also encourage a rhythmic participation in multi-generational Formation Courses throughout the year.

Live Life Together

We prioritize family building opportunities, celebrating birthdays, having a picnic, or just having a game night - anything that builds deeper connection to each other and Jesus.

Serve Together

We actively participate in the Kingdom work of the Church by participating in serve opportunities, both inside the walls of ACC and in our community.

ACC Community Group Structure
The rhythm that you can expect as you step into a community group here at ACC.
Share a Meal
Jesus' ministry was incredibly biased towards a table. We share a meal together as an avenue for the deepest invitation towards relationship with each other and Jesus. It can be a simple as everyone bringing takeout or having some chips and dip, but we emphasize the transformative power of hospitality and simply eating together
We begin each meeting with a simple prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to come. Furthermore, at any point in an ACC meeting, if the Spirit is prompting us to stop and pray, we listen and obey!
Reflect and Discuss
Each week our team creates a Community Guide with discussion questions from the previous Sunday Gathering and resources for deeper study, all aimed at growing together in Christ through study, reflection, and application.
Yep, we’re praying again before we leave, asking God to seal our time, meet the needs of our group, and send us out into the community to be his hands and feet.
Each Community Guide ends with a challenge to practice the way of Jesus throughout the week, either personally or in community. At the beginning of the next group meeting, we will come together and reflect on what God has been revealing and teaching us.
Interested In Joining Us?
Join us at family dinner
ACC is a multigenerational family. Family Dinner is an opportunity for adults in any stage of life looking to join or form a community group. At Family Dinner, you'll hear our team cast vision for ACC community groups and you'll have an opportunity to personally interact with other ACC members looking for community.
College Students
Community is at the center of how we do ministry with college students! We believe that the price of community is the sacrifice of commitment. ACC College groups are for undergraduate students. If you are a graduate student or post-graduate young adult, we invite you to plug into our adult community groups via Family Dinner above!
Mission of God

Mission of God is a 7-week formation course about God’s heart for the nations and the way He invites us to be involved. This is a GREAT first step and open to anyone in our church family.

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Practicing the Way

"Practicing The Way" is a curriculum designed to help churches cultivate spiritual growth through practices and teachings that emphasize the integration of faith into everyday life. These courses aim to foster a deeper connection with Jesus, encouraging participants to embody his teachings in a community setting.

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Alpha is a series of conversations that explores the basics of the Christian Faith. Everyone’s Welcome. You’re Invited, no matter your background or beliefs.

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Emotionally Healthy Relationships is an 8 week course designed to nurture and deeply transform how we relate to those around us and our Heavenly Father. Regardless of your season of life, EHR will equip you with both spiritual, psychological, and practical tools on how to strengthen every relationship in your life.

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