Addiction Recovery
Yard Work
Spiritual Gift:
Addiction Recovery
Spiritual Gift:
Yard Work
Spiritual Gift:
Addiction Recovery
Yard Work

Redeeming Grace

  • Mission Statement: Redeeming Grace Ministries exists to train and equip people to live a life of everlasting recovery through Jesus Christ! We offer a residential program, in East Alabama, for women transitioning out of a correctional facility or rehabilitation program who desire to transform their lives and maintain recovery as thriving, contributing citizens. Our holistic program includes job training, establishing a personal support system, life skills, spiritual growth, and access to professional medical care and counseling.
  • Volunteer opportunities:
    • Weekly:
      • Mentoring: Mentor one woman in the program. A mentor is a vessel used by God to guide, future and coach the mentee into a closer relationship with others and with Jesus Christ. They will help the mentee build a foundation from which they can mature into a person of integrity and purpose. Women only—12 month commitment.
    • Monthly:
      • Landscaping: Help with the yard, planting, etc. on a monthly basis.
      • Facility maintenance: Help with minor repairs, etc. on a monthly or as needed basis.
      • Prayer: RGM needs prayer! Host occasional prayer gatherings at home or at another location and update supporters on prayer needs through email, group text or some other communication tool. Volunteers would agree to pray for the ministry’s specific needs/concerns on a daily basis and occasionally pray collectively.
      • Lead enrichment classes and recreational activities: Offer enrichment classes to our Residents, such as crafts, cooking, sewing, gardening, etc. Anything that is fun and a time to build relationships. If you have a skill you would like to share, let us know!
      • Teachers: Teach classes on subjects such as Journaling & Prayer, Parenting, Christian Practices for New Believers, Uninvited Study, Codependency, Time Management, Relationships, Nutrition; Requires one semester commitment; Classes will be one two-hour meeting each week.
    • Quarterly:
      • Fundraising : Work with local businesses to schedule benefit days, help plan events with staff.
  • Website: https://redeeminggrace.faith/
  • Next Steps: