Pursuing Jesus
Miles Fidell

Read: Luke 8:40-56

  1. DISCUSS: "Spiritual power is released on the other side of expressed faith."
  2. What are ways you can practice displaying bold faith this week?
  3. Discuss: "Sometimes the interruption is the assignment."

Boldly Come Before Jesus:

  1. What is stopping you from boldly coming before Jesus?
  2. Do you feel like you are more often stopped by pride or insecurity?
  3. Share about a situation you've been in that's made you desperate for God.
  4. What do you lose if you don’t fall at the feet of Jesus?

Boldly Confess Your Secrets:

  1. What needs to change for you to stop caring about the opinions of others?
  2. When is the last time you have boldly confessed your secrets to someone you trust?


Healing and identity can be found in confessing your sins to others --Practice confessing your sins to someone this week