Eager to Share Our Souls
Gage Henry

Read: Acts 17:1-9; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8,19-20

  1. Discuss your answers to these three questions from the message as a group:
    1. Is your distance from God established by fact or influenced by feeling?
    2. Is your zeal to be right sacrificing relationships that are real?
    3. Is your desired legacy fueled by purpose or filled with people?
  1. “The Truth of the Message is Clarified by the People of God.” Does your life reflect the life you say you believe or do your actions invalidate the words you say about Jesus?
  2. “Spiritual Blindness is your inability to value what the truth means for you.” Are there any relational blocks or woundings that are stopping you from believing the facts about who Jesus is to you and the world?
  3. “Biblical Flattery is tailoring the truth to cater to people around you.” Are there any situations or circumstances where you are compromising the truth of Jesus or a lifestyle of holiness under the guise of “reaching them”?
  4. In what ways have you made your life about your purpose while forgetting people?
  5. CHALLENGE: Who are you sharing your soul with? Pursue that person this week.