When the Gospel Becomes Offensive
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 24:1-27

  1. How did you grow up defining the gospel? What is the King Jesus Gospel?
  2. Where are you currently allowing pride and self sufficiency to have a foothold in your life?
  3. Have you accepted the Gospel or have you just woven it into your convenience? How do you know?
  4. When the message of Jesus confronts your reality, is your response the pride of disobedience or the humility of repentance?
  5. How do you sustain desperation for God?
  6. What does spiritual maturity look like in our eyes? How does that compare to what God would say?
  7. Who in your sphere of influence do you need to witness to? Spend time praying for them by name. (Your sphere of influence could be who you see on routine basis (coworkers, hairdressers, waiters/waitresses, bus drivers, friends, etc).
  8. What things are holding you back from sharing the Gospel boldly?

Challenge: Examine and Witness. Examine your heart, your life, your mind, and your relationships. Journal where Pride and self sufficiency has a foothold and pray surrender into those spaces. Humbly and boldly witness to your lost friends, family, and/or acquaintances. A helpful exercise is to think of who you see on a routine basis (coworkers, hairdressers, waiters/waitresses, bus drivers, friends)