Purified Heats = New Life
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 15:1-35; Jeremiah 31:33-34; Ezekiel 36:25-27

  1. Where has your heart given affection to something/someone else that was due to God?
  2. What idols in your heart or familial patterns are you committed to seeing God purify and/or heal prior to them affecting the next generation below you?
  3. In what area has your freedom in Christ been compromised that is actually allowing others to stumble?
  4. Where have you seen your identity in Christ impact your pursuit of holiness?
  5. How is your fight against sexual immorality? What things do you need to put in place to help you in that fight?
  6. Challenge: Create a space this week for prolonged private worship with God. Find an hour and emphasize time in silence, prayer, scripture and possibly song. Take someone in your community out for coffee or lunch and share what God is doing in each others lives.