Times of Refreshing
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 3:17-4:4; 2 Corinthians 5:17-20

FOLLOW-UP FROM LAST WEEK’S CHALLENGE: Share stories of celebration or struggle from the challenge. Who did you share the gospel with? Do you have any stories of answered prayer? Or unanswered prayer?

  1. How has Scripture transformed your understanding of eternal life?
  2. How does knowing we are living in eternal life right now change the way that you view: your mind, body, relationships, resources, and pain?

DISCUSS: “Most Christians are waiting for a deliverance coming later instead of living aware of the deliverance already given and the opportunity we currently have.”

  1. Which area do you believe you are waiting until the Next life for God to use or redeem? Why?
  2. What are you going to work on to step into the eternal life God has for you here and now in those places…here are some practices to consider for each:

Mind: meditative prayer, scripture
Body: sabbath, fasting
Relationships: hospitality, service
Resources: simplicity, generosity
Pain: forgiveness, community

  1. CHALLENGE: Pick one or two to prayerfully focus on this summer. Follow up with each other and pray for God to reveal the spaces we are withholding from him and how we may step into more of God’s purpose for our lives.