Finding Rest In The Providence of God
Miles Fidell

Read: Acts 23:12-24; Acts 20:24

Take 10 minutes to sit and pray through Psalm 31 as a group. Have each person in your group read a different section.

  1. Providence = Provision + Protection + Purpose
    1. God provides the three components of His providence. Of these, which do you try to control the most?
    2. Give an example of when you have tried to be the author of your own providence. What was the outcome?
    3. How does Paul’s story conflict with where you typically find rest?
  2. As long as you have breath, your job is to testify. How can we as a group encourage and hold each other accountable to aligning our purpose with God’s? With what have you aligned the purpose of your life with?
  3. If you could see God do something amazing in the next 10 years to expand His Kingdom, what would it be?
  4. What is the last thing God said to you? How do you know that it is from God?
  5. CHALLENGE: Listening prayer. Read the passage from this week, a few times, slowly. Then spend 2-5 minutes in listening prayer. Try to do this in a quiet place and pray in silence. Ask God to speak. Practically, ask for an assignment or a vision of purpose for your life that aligns with his purposes. Then wait, listen, and write down what you receive. Do this several times this week.