Hidden Hope
Gage Henry
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Begin group time with 2 minutes of silent prayer. Assume a comfortable position and repeat the phrase “Come Holy Spirit” to yourself as you breathe. If your mind wanders, that's okay—simply notice it, repeat the phrase, and return your focus. After the silence, invite someone from the group to close in prayer.

READ OUT LOUD AS A GROUP: Matthew 1:1-17

Q1 - Coming off of the “King Jesus Gospel” series, going into Advent, how does the genealogy of Jesus show that the whole story of Scripture all comes down to Jesus? Reflect back on the last few weeks, what has stood out to you? Where has God challenged you or your understanding of him or the Gospel?

Q2 - Within the lineage of Jesus, there are several names that are known for their hard story, filled with brokenness and sin, yet they are included in the line of the Son of the God. Are there things about your story or your family's story that you often leave out? Are you tempted to dismiss people or situations that seem unusable by God? Is there a space where you need to believe again, release a situation to God, and pray? Feel free to take time to pray now for those situations.

Q3 - “If your hope is not established in the promises of God, it will feel like nothing more than a fairytale story” - in your season of life, which of God’s promises are you most needing to hold on to? Name a few ways that He

has been faithful to His promises in your story. Let his faithfulness in the past spur on faith for the future.

Q4 - Gage talked about the season of exile, the silent years, where God was seemingly silent but yet his presence was always there. Does anyone feel like they are in a season where God feels silent? What could God be trying to teach you in this time? How could he be attempting to father you?

Q5 - Reflect on your season of life honestly. Now ask the question: “What is your source of Hope?”

Q6 - Read Revelation 22:12-16. Read it again, slowly. Invite others to share where they may need hope. Pray for and encourage each other in Jesus.


FOCUS: Christ’s second coming and the consummation of all things THEME: Longing for God’s Redemption

PRACTICE: Spend time in prayer reflecting on areas of your life or the world where you long for Christ’s redemption


A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson Hidden Christmas by Time Keller