Jonah 3: Running From God, Pursued By Mercy
Jonah 3: Running From God, Pursued By Mercy
Miles Fidell
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FOLLOW-UP FROM LAST WEEK: How did last week’s challenge go for you? What went well? What challenges did you face?

Begin group time with 2 minutes of silent prayer. Assume a comfortable position and repeat the phrase “Come Holy Spirit” to yourself as you breathe. If your mind wanders, that's okay—simply notice it, repeat the phrase, and return your focus. After the silence, invite someone from the group to close in prayer.

READ OUT LOUD AS A GROUP: Jonah 4:1-11 in the NIV

[ tel’-os ] / teloß: The source you live from and the purpose you live for.

Q1 – What is your “telos”? Reflect on your use of time, resources, and desires—what ultimate “end” are you striving for?

Q2 – “Is it right for you to be angry?” Think about the emotions or thoughts you tend to dwell on, as Jonah did with his anger. How does choosing to sit in those emotions affect you? What should a healthy relationship with emotions look like for a believer?


  • ●  Your Heart: What you hope God will do for you and “your people.”
  • ●  God’s Heart: The Gospel of the Kingdom.

Q3 – How have you seen this in your own life? How do you see this tension reflected in our culture or even within the American church?

Q4 – What practical steps will you take to seek deeper intimacy with God’s heart this week? This week, what intentional steps will you take to align your heart with God's heart? How can you seek deeper intimacy with His purposes?

READ OUT LOUD (AGAIN) AS A GROUP: Jonah 4:1-11 in the ESV

Q5 – Jonah’s story ends abruptly, with God’s question hanging in the air. How does this unresolved ending shape your perspective on Jonah? If God asked you the same question—'Is it right for you to be angry?'—how would you respond?

REFLECTION – Over the past four weeks, reflect on where you see yourself in Jonah’s story.

What is your life’s response to:

1. God’s Word 2. God’s World 3. God’s grace

Finish by praying together, committing to these reflections and asking for resolve to grow in understanding and living out God's heart.


- This will be the challenge for the entire JONAH series!
Think of somebody in your context that you tend to look at like the Ninevites, a person you believe to be far from God. You may even actively dislike or disdain this person or people. Seek the Lord and ask for an assignment. Go out of your way this week to pursue them and witness to the good news about Jesus and their redemption. This is going to be the challenge for the entire month so take time to develop relationships, actually get to know them, offer hospitality, speak with truth, love, and vulnerability, and extend to them the invitation of Jesus.


“Dominion” by Tom Holland “Rediscovering Jonah” by Tim Keller