Miles Fidell
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SCRIPTURE: Genesis 37:1-11; 45:4-7

FOLLOW-UP FROM LAST WEEK: How did your time in solitude go? What was difficult about it? What went well? What invitation did you feel was communicated to you after meditating on Psalm 32?

ICEBREAKER: How many siblings do you have? What are they like? What was your family dynamic like growing up?

Q1DISCUSS: “God’s dreams for your life are directly connected to God’s priorities for your life.”

– We talked about dreams for the future a lot last week. How does the quote and this week’s message clarify or challenge you? What are God’s priorities for your life?

Q2 – Joseph named his first born son, Manasseh, meaning “to Forget”, because he said he has forgotten his past and his father’s household. Joseph believed he was over his family wounds and hurt but it was revealed when he was reunited with them that he was anything but over it. Are there any past hurts or pain that you have bypassed that God actually wants to heal by letting Him in?

Q3 – When you, your friends, or your family talk about their dreams coming true or even your families dreams for you coming true, what has that looked like in your life? Does that look like a worldly dream or a kingdom minded dream?

Q4 DISCUSS: “God’s dream is your irrevocable yes to inner transformation and external mission.”
– It’s a balance to be managed, two sides of the same coin. What side do you typically lean more to? Why is that?

Q5 – What struggle are you currently in that you are tempted to think is an obstacle to God’s plan for you that potentially God is asking you to reframe as an invitation to His formation of you? What could God be saying to you in the middle of it? How could God use it, now or in the future?

Q6 — What burden has God given you for society, culture, Christians, the community, the Church, or the world? Side note/Tip: it’s likely the thing that frustrates you the most about the world or even the church, maybe even ACC.

– How can you step into it, now and in the future?

CHALLENGE: Do this Bible reading plan for the week!

Day 1

Jacob’s blessing
Gen. 26:34-28:9

Joseph’s dreams
Gen. 37:1-38:30

Day 2

Jacob’s dream
Gen. 28:10-22

Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
Gen. 39:1-23

Day 3

Jacob’s journey and family
Gen. 29:1-30:24

Jacob in prison
Gen. 40:1-23

Day 4

Jacob and Laban
Gen. 30:25-31

Pharaoh’s dreams
Gen. 41:1-42:38

Day 5

Jacob and Esau again
Gen. 32:1-33:20

Joseph’s family in Egypt
Gen. 43:1-45:28

Day 6

Jacob’s return
Gen. 35:1-29

Jacob in Egypt
Gen. 46:1-47:31

Day 7

Hebrews 11:20-21

Jacob and blessings
Gen. 48:1-50:26