Radical Discipleship
Miles Fidell
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What has the Lord called you to both globally and locally?

Begin group time with 2 minutes of silent prayer. Assume a comfortable position and repeat the phrase “Come Holy Spirit” to yourself as you breathe. If your mind wanders, that's okay—simply notice it, repeat the phrase, and return your focus. After the silence, invite someone from the group to close in prayer.

READ OUT LOUD AS A GROUP: Colossians 2:6-10

Q1 – Consider your political alignment: Are there ways in which you may be compromising the way of Jesus by aligning with either the Democratic or Republican party? Take a moment to reflect without reacting. How can you speak truth with grace to those within your chosen political party, addressing areas that may not fully align with Jesus’ teachings?

Q2 – In what ways has the world or culture shaped your theology? How have the ideas of success and an ideal life shaped the way that you follow Jesus?

Q3 – What is Radical Discipleship? How do the three points deepen your understanding of discipleship, and where do you feel challenged to grow?

1. Humble dependency on Jesus. 2. No compromise to deception. 3. Full allegiance to the Name.

Q4 – What role has God called you to in order to normalize radical discipleship to Jesus in the American Church?

Q5 – How are you depending on Jesus in terms of your unique role to normalize radical discipleship? (Think about your work, family, relationships and spheres of influence)

DISCUSS – “This must be stronger than that” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Q6 – How can you strengthen your commitment to Jesus so that it outweighs the influence of the world? Name 3 ways you are being formed into the image of Jesus, and 3 ways you are being formed by the world.

Q7 – The way of Jesus comes by repentance and giving God your irrevocable “yes”. In what ways are you preserving your way of life instead of fully surrendering to Jesus? Have you noticed any tendencies in yourself to choose comfort over deeper trust in Jesus?


This week, find a day, a meal, or a certain amount of time that you can collectively fast and pray as a group. Use the time to pray for the leader of our country, regardless of who that person is. Ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate specific things for you to pray.


The King Jesus Gospel by Scot McKnight
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer