Church at Home: Pure Joy
Miles Fidell
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READ: James 1:1-4,19-22

  1. What stands out in these verses?
  2. How have your own trials produced endurance and perseverance in your story?
  3. How does suffering shape and develop you to look more like Jesus differently than times of comfort and ease?
  4. What practical steps can you take this summer to ensure that your actions and schedule allow you to hear and respond to the voice of God?
  5. What are the biggest distractions or busyness that prevent you from being deeply transformed by Jesus? How can you address these challenges?
  6. If you were to set up a framework or structured plan for your spiritual formation this summer, what would it include?

Challenge: Develop of a summer rhythm and write it down. Include times of personal time with the Lord, Time with community and intentional time engaging with the lost. Use the frame work of Daily and Weekly plans and activities. Be proactive with rest and renewal as well as spiritual practices to deepen your relationship to Jesus.