Going to War With Words
Gage Henry
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READ: James 3:1-12; John 4:14, 15:7-8

  1. Follow-up from last week: How was your time with the Lord? Did He ask you to take a step of obedience?
  2. Icebreaker: What is something that has been spoken to you or over you that you have always remembered? It can be positive or negative. The point is to emphasize the power of words. (Most of us relate through negativity.)
  3. What are you most prone to utilize your words for apart from speaking Jesus? (Gossip, complaining, venting anger, etc.) Ask yourself now, what is underneath that? Is it pain, disappointment, envy, pride?
    1. Examine yourself in prayer and if comfortable and in a safe environment, confess it to your group.
  4. Gage said if you are dealing with envy, to encourage publicly what you may criticize privately. What invitation do you sense God asking you to lean into in order to practice taming your tongue? Who do you need to bless that you may have previously cursed?
  5. DISCUSS: "Human conversation is largely an endless attempt to convince others that we are more assertive, clever, gentle, successful than they might think if we did not carefully educate them." - John Ortberg
    1. How does this quote resonate with you? How is this connected to our believe in God, the life of Jesus, and how it works out practically on our lives?
  6. DISCUSS: “Your Fountain Dictates Your Fruit”
    1. How does this challenge your view of your life, your speech, etc? What is the first thing that comes to mind about your speech that would probably change if Jesus was speaking in your place?
  7. How can the discipline of silence cultivate compassion in your life?