Wholehearted Devotion
Gage Henry
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READ: James 1-18; 2 Corinthians 10:3-4; Zephaniah 3:17

  1. Follow-Up from last week: Debrief the plan you made after Church at Home on how to stay connected with God this Summer.
  2. Is the enemy currently trying to distance you from God through suffering or pleasure?
  3. How do you personally cultivate Godly delight?
  4. What habit are you currently carrying that is rooted in soothing pain that has now become routine? (pornography, food, shopping, gossiping, alcohol, etc.)
  5. In what temptation are you trying to prove your allegiance to God that you instead need to flee from? How can you actually run to Jesus when tempted? Ask the group if anyone has any good strategies for that that have worked for them?
  6. Is your soul divided? Pray Psalm 86:11 for yourself and those in your group.
  7. What steps do you need to take towards believing who you are in Christ and engaging deeper with him and the family of God?

CHALLENGE: Confession. James says that confessing our sins to one another is an avenue for healing. After becoming aware of the strongholds in our life, renouncing them in confession to another believer is a garaunteed place of healing according to James 5. Find your most trusted friend or mentor, and if you don’t have one, pray that God would bless you with a deep relationship this year. Ask if there is a time you can meet and share what is going on in your life. Then receive the gift of identity being spoken over you by another believer.