Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment
Miles Fidell
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READ: James 1:26-2:13

  1. Reflect over last week’s challenge to “Listen and Do”.
  2. Do you struggle at all with the judgement of God? What does it mean for “Mercy to Triumph over Judgement”? How did that truth this week affect your worldview or your day-to-day walk?
    1. Has mercy triumphed over your judgement of other people, in particular people who you have nothing to gain by being in relationship with?
  3. In what ways are you, personally or communally, biased towards showing partiality or favoritism towards people or people groups? This may be a good opportunity to pray a prayer of confession and repentance.
    1. How do you protect yourself from favoritism?
  4. What does radical generosity look like for you? DISCUSS: "Generosity and sacrifice are always attached to our loves.”
  5. READ - James 1:27: ”Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
    1. How does this Scripture challenge your walk? Do you need to be challenged in personal holiness, serving the least of these, or both?
  6. PRAY - Spend time praying and asking for God to break your heart for what breaks His. Ask for a specific burden in our community.

CHALLENGE: Service and Consecration. In light of James 1:27, pray, reflect, explore, and act on the two ideas of aligning your life with serving others and personal holiness and integrity. What needs to go? What needs to be added into your life? Take active steps this week to walk towards service and a life consecrated to the Lord. (edited)