Spiritual Gravity
Miles Fidell
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Follow-Up: Did you have any opportunities this week to tell your story as a means of witnessing? How did it go?

Icebreaker: Who is the wisest person you know? Why? What is the best advice that person ever gave you?

READ: James 3:13-4:10


1. Reflect on the two spiritual forces, Evil Desire and God's Grace. What are some of the evil desires that pull at you from within? How has God's Grace counteracted those evil desires? Where have you seen victory? Where are you still struggling?

2. James 3:15 introduces the concept of the three enemies of the soul: The World, The Flesh, and The Devil. How do you feel those influences in your own life? How does that concept change the way you see your daily life? In what way do you see this in the culture in which we live?

3. Compare and contrast the two kinds of wisdom seen in James 3: 13-18. What are the hallmarks of Godly wisdom? How can we cultivate wisdom that comes from heaven?

4. Spend some time reflecting on James 4:1-6. Think of a time in the last week or two that you have had an argument or a struggle with people around you. Now ask the question, "What desire was driving that conflict?" Spend some time discussing. Based on this passage, Have you made friends with the world in a way that causes enmity with God? Are there any agreements, concessions, or thoughts that you need to take captive to christ and speak truth to?

5. James writes that in response to God giving more grace (chapter 4, verse 6) and as means to stay in the that space of humility, we should Wash our hands and Purify our hearts. Washing off our hands signifying an external work like confession and reconciliation. Is there anyone you need to ask for forgiveness for your sins? Purify our hearts means the interior work of humbling ourselves before God. How can you ask God to purify your heart? What does that look like in our daily lives?

6. Lastly, reflect on James 4:10 - "Humble Yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." Miles talked about the two opposing gravitys: God's Grace and Evil Desire. How do those work on your life? What is the surprising result of remaining humble in God's Grace?

CHALLENGE: SPIRITUAL GRAVITY INVENTORY. Take time at the end of every day this week to review your day. When did you feel like your day was being led by and consumed with God's Grace? When did you feel like your day was consumed by evil desire? What were the circumstances? Normalize asking the question “why?” What was happening and what was I feeling. Review them at the end of the week and look for patterns. Think about how would you change your schedule, inputs/outputs and activities be more fully pulled towards Gods grace. Ask God what needs to be transformed.

RESOURCE FOR ADDITIONAL STUDY: Live No Lies by John Mark Comer (edited)