Doers of the Word
Gage Henry
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READ: James 1:19-25

  1. Icebreaker: Over the past 2 weeks we introduced the song “Bless God”. Read Psalm 134, based on this what do you think it means to “Bless God”?
  2. DISCUSS: “The best argument for Christianity is Christians, but the best argument against Christianity is also Christians.”
  3. What aspect of Biblical authority do you struggle with the most and why?
  4. DISCUSS: “Each person is created to see a different facet of God’s beauty – something that no one else can see in quite the same way – and then to bless all worshipers through all eternity with an aspect of God they could not otherwise see.” - C.S. Lewis
    1. What does it mean for you to be a poet with your life?
  5. What does it look like for you to be “spiritually perceiving” in your life? Where has God uniquely placed you?
  6. Can you think of a time when you obeyed what you knew God required out of obedience without fully understanding or even wanting to obey in the moment? How did that go? How did you see God move?

CHALLENGE: “Listen and Do.” End your group time this week by spending a few minutes in silence and prayer asking God for an assignment for this week. Make a point to act in obedience. Plan on debriefing next week with your group.